That pretty much covers it. I get an unresponsive blank screen.
That pretty much covers it. I get an unresponsive blank screen.
Worked fine the first time I used the app. Now, I just have an unresponsive black screen. Closing the app doesnt fix the problem.
Notwithstanding the terrible reviews, I wanted to try this app rather than reading the eMag on my iPad browser. And I must say it seems to work fine on my iPad.
This app works great. Hate it when people dont have time to read the instructions yet have time for a negative review. Spectrum only allows access by members who have opted for digital. Passwords are easily gotten by touching the "forgot password" button. Once logged in the app shows a clear reproduction of the print magazine. Wish my other journal apps were as easy to operate as this one.
Just loaded the Spectrum app on my 6 plus to see if it was possible to read on a screen this size. So, it is small, but with some pinching and scrolling it can be done. Graphics are beautiful on this screen! Probably wont be my only place to read Spectrum, but it will do in a pinch. (Sorry) :)
New version bombs out on launch on iOS 8.3 on iPhone 6
App doesnt work on iOS 8.3. Please fix it.
IEEE should not be releasing an app that crashes on all of ios 8.x. Pathetic.
Im not sure what to rate this app. Heres my dilemma - the content is awesome; but the app isnt on par with something one might expect from the IEEE. The app design is outdated and the magazine subscription should really be part of Apples Newsstand App - which is where Im used to finding all my magazine and newspaper subscriptions.
This is a terrible app. The account login does not work and the app itself appears to be terribly outdated. No one is paying any attention to this! Its very ironic that an organization like IEEE would be far behind in this regard.
Spectrum itself looks great, but who wants to read it in an app that looks so bad? Its a shame that IEEE is satisfied with this—there are typos in the user interface! Either Qmags needs to get their act together and hire a good UI designer or IEEE needs to find a better platform that isnt stuck in 2010.
Its nice to have a digital copy of a mag. Im bummed that it doesnt include formatting thats easy to read on the iPhone. Im constantly zooming in and out and/or straining to read tiny text. Recently switched phones and account (login info) did not transfer with backup. Im not surprised about that, but I am surprised that the app didnt prompt me to log in, but rather let me assume it was experiencing a glitch that prevented my content from appearing/downloading. When I found the login page and tried entering my information I experienced two issues, 1) the email address field was auto-correcting (which can and should be addressed by developer) and 2) when I tried to log on (or even reset my password in desperation), the app asserted that the user id field was missing. I ended up deleting and re-downloading the app. This took me to the "splash page" of the app - the screen that appears the first time you open an app and never displays again - which was a differently formatted login page where I WAS able to finally login (w/o resetting my password), see and download my content. Overall a terrible and new-user-prohibitive experience, but one that expect will occur once (or until I switch phones again). App has not crashed at least...