Its nice to have a digital copy of a mag. Im bummed that it doesnt include formatting thats easy to read on the iPhone. Im constantly zooming in and out and/or straining to read tiny text. Recently switched phones and account (login info) did not transfer with backup. Im not surprised about that, but I am surprised that the app didnt prompt me to log in, but rather let me assume it was experiencing a glitch that prevented my content from appearing/downloading. When I found the login page and tried entering my information I experienced two issues, 1) the email address field was auto-correcting (which can and should be addressed by developer) and 2) when I tried to log on (or even reset my password in desperation), the app asserted that the user id field was missing. I ended up deleting and re-downloading the app. This took me to the "splash page" of the app - the screen that appears the first time you open an app and never displays again - which was a differently formatted login page where I WAS able to finally login (w/o resetting my password), see and download my content. Overall a terrible and new-user-prohibitive experience, but one that expect will occur once (or until I switch phones again). App has not crashed at least...
erebusdweller about IEEE Spectrum Magazine